Pops OPs
Take Back Your Gaming Night!

Join the Pops OPs Army and take back your COD Gaming Night! Blow off some steam without dealing with Youngbloods, Streamers, Cheaters, Sweats and Try-Hards. Make Gaming Great Again!

SergeantSalty is too old to try to scam anyone.... Intel (News) page for the latest Pop's OPs Intel.

Pops OPs

What the Sam Hill is this? (short answer)

One Salty old gamer’s attempt to build an exclusive online community of likeminded "wiser gamers" (30+) who want to have a fun again while gaming. Those seeking to blow off some steam but are tired of Youngbloods, Streamer, Cheaters, Sweats and Try-Hards ruining everything.

What game(s) are you talking about?

Starting off we will be attacking Activision’s Call of Duty Warzone. If successfully we may take on new fronts.

How is this going to work?

By Using Pops OPs Central Command(POCC) to quickly and easily organize custom private matches for the Pops OPs army.

Attention, soldiers of seasoned valor and seasoned joints, gather 'round! Meet SergeantSalty, a grizzled veteran of both the digital battlefield and the bingo hall. With his trusty walker at his side and a lifetime of gaming experience under his camo belt, he's on a mission unlike any other: to build the ultimate online community for war-weary warriors of the virtual battlefield.

Picture it: a place where the call of duty is answered between rounds of medication reminders, and where "drop zones" are as familiar as the local VFW.

So grab your controllers and your compression socks, soldiers, because SergeantSalty's online battalion is on the march, and the only thing we're leaving behind is a trail of dust and laughter. Welcome Geriatric Gamer to Pops OPs, where age is just a number and victory is forever young! Read SergeantSalty's story here.

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