Intel Brief #1.5

Out next offical brief will come out at 250 users but we wanted to pass this word on for now.

So, it seems some folks think Pops OPs is a scam or that we have some secret agenda. Trust me, I get it. I'm a professional skeptic myself—"Question Everything" is one of my favorite mottos. But I assure you, we're genuinely trying to do what we say on our Facebook and website.

I know giving out your phone number feels a bit personal, but it’s our way of ensuring that the people signing up are real and at least old enough to own a phone (and if you're not, kudos on being a tech-savvy toddler). All you’ll get from us is a simple SMS to validate your account. No spam, no nonsense—just a quick "you're legit" confirmation.

We aren’t trying to build a massive Facebook following just to become social media moguls. We simply want to spread the word so we can get more people gaming. That's it.

If anyone has brilliant ideas on how to reach more potential players or suggestions on how to reassure people about our genuine mission, please let us know! Feel free to message us—we respond to all questions and concerns.

Thanks to everyone who has already signed up. Let’s get gaming!

Game on!

Intel Brief #1

Salty Gamers welcome to the Pops OPs Army!

We’ve hit 100+ sign-ups! Thanks for your incredible support! We are very excited to make it this far!

Important Updates

POCC (Pop's OPs Central Command)

Some of you might still be wondering what the heck you signed up for. The POCC is the real meat and beauty behind Pop's OPs. It's not activated yet because we don't have enough OPs to run smoothly but it is already built and ready for deployment! It will be used to create lobbies and share invite codes. It's smart enough to help manage the OPs and squads logged in to quickly jump into the custom game type you are looking for. Use your Pop's OPs Username and Password right now to login to make sure you are ready to go once we launch.

Recruitment Drive

Like, follow and share our Facebook page. Spread the word in any relevant groups or communities! On a mobile device? Send them an SMS/TXT. This mission is a personal crusade for SergeantSalty. He's already invested pretty heavily in advertising to get the initial word out but his pockets are only so deep. He needs your help to keep growing! Let's get to gaming!

Launch Plan

Why do we need 1,000 users to get started? We don't want to fail right out of the gate. For reasonable custom lobby wait times we think we will need about 1,000 sign-ups.

News Page

We've added a news page to the site for the latest updates.

Account Validation

If you didn't validate via SMS, your account was deleted. You can re-sign up with the same email and a valid US SMS-enabled cell number to validate the account.

OPs Count

The count went down a bit due to the removal of unvalidated accounts.

International Users

Sorry, we can't support international sign-ups yet. This is primarily because starting off we will probably only be active during peak US gaming times. Once we launch and have enough users to run 24/7, we can hopefully open up for international gamers!

So grateful to make it this far!

Game on,

Pops OPs

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